Time for one of those posts that covers just about everything:
A new review of Transported
Rosemarie Smith has given a positive review in the Southland Times to my short story collection Transported (which you can buy online from Fishpond, New Zealand Books Abroad (for both overseas and New Zealand residents), or Whitcoulls). This former Southlander is pleased to see another good review of Transported in a South Island newspaper.
Wellington Writers’ Colony several steps closer
I blogged a while back about Doug Wilkins and his plan to set up a Wellington Writers’ Colony, modeled on the Sanchez Grotto Annex in San Francisco. Those plans are now several steps closer to fruition. Doug needs just one more writer on board to make the Colony a reality. I have now seen the space he’s planning to use, and it is well-lit, stylish and comfy. If you would like your own dedicated writing space alongside a group of like-minded writers, then contact Doug at dbwilkins@gmail.com or 021-138-5050.
New Poetry Competition
Bookhabit.com and the New Zealand Poetry Society have jointly announced a new poetry competition, with prizes for poetry in both written and performance (audio or video) format. The competition begins on Monday 22 September and runs for six weeks, and the prizes on offer are attractive:
* 1st US$500, 2nd $200, 3rd $100 – each section
* Overall Winner $500
* All prizes in US Dollars.
Judged by the New Zealand Poetry Society
* People’s Performance Choice $500 (Audio and Video section only-
awarded to the person delivering poem)
Judged by registered Bookhabit users
For the full entry conditions and other details, see http://www.bookhabit.com/competition/competition.php.
The Great Genre Debate Continues
The questions of genre which have been discussed on this blog by Johanna Knox and myself (here and here), plus plenty of commenters, are alive and well in the blogosphere. A couple of examples:
– Michael Chabon and Jeffrey Ford on why genre tags don’t matter.
– Charlie Anders asks Do You Really Want Science Fiction Books To Be More Literary?
A Beautiful Thing
God-With-Us is Reginald Shepherd’s last poem, written as he lay dying. It’s a beautiful meditation on faith, belief and doubt. I think it might be the best poem I’ve read this year, and I have read some very, very good ones.