The Annual General Meeting of the Sustainable Energy Forum (SEF) on 6 November will mark the end of my three-year term as Convenor of SEF. While I’ve enjoyed the role, I’m looking forward to being able to spend more time working directly on the issues, and less time organising things.
But the final thing I have to organise is the seminar below. SEF held a similar seminar in 2007, and the 2009 seminar will look at how far things have moved in the world of electric transport since then, and whether those moves are welcome.
You don’t have to be an expert, or a fan of electric vehicles, to attend. Pretty much everyone has an opinion on transport. If you do, or if you’d just like to learn more, please come along.
Sustainable Energy Forum Seminar
Electric Vehicles and Electric Transport in New Zealand: 2010 and Beyond
When: Friday 6 November, 12.30-2pm
Where: Large Gallery, Turnbull House, 11 Bowen St, Wellington
Admission: By koha
Can we switch our transport system from burning fossil fuels to using electricity? If so, how quickly will it happen, and how much difference will it make to New Zealand’s oil dependence and to greenhouse gas emissions from transport?
The Sustainable Energy Forum (SEF) is holding a seminar in Wellington on Friday 6 November to talk about these issues. Speakers will discuss developments in electric vehicle technology, the opportunities and difficulties in marketing electric vehicles, and the effect that widespread use of electric transport is likely to have on New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions.
There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion.
If you’re interested in transport, vehicle technology, green jobs, oil depletion, or climate change, you’ll find something of interest in this SEF Seminar.
Tim Jones: Using Electricity for Transport: An Overview
Seminar chair Tim Jones will make a brief introductory presentation outlining the range of electric transport options now available.
Doug Clover: Recent Developments in Electric Vehicle Technology
Researcher Doug Clover will look at recent trends in the performance and cost of electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, and current and emerging developments in electric vehicle battery technology.
Hayden Scott-Dye: Understanding Electric Vehicles in New Zealand
Hayden Scott-Dye of Meridian Energy will present an overview of the Mitsubishi iMiEV evaluation and some of its key results, the benefits of adopting and accelerating the deployment of electric vehicles in NZ, and some of the key challenges going forward.
Steve Goldthorpe: Greenhouse Consequences of Electric Vehicles in New Zealand – An Assessment Framework
Energy analyst Steve Goldthorpe will set out the assumptions required to assess the impact on the CO2 emissions per person kilometer of personal travel associated with an individual’s switch from a conventional vehicle to an electric vehicle, and explore the sensitivities of key parameters.
Updates will be posted at
Looking forward to hearing your plans for what you'll do next, Tim! All the best with finishing your term. I imagine whole new vistas of activist possibilities are opening up before you!