Bonsai Wellington Launch, Monday 3 September + Poetry at the Fringe, Sunday 16 September

Two more events for you – I hope you can make it to one or both!

Bonsai Wellington launch – Monday 3 September

Monday 3 September, 6.00pm, The Thistle Inn, 3 Mulgrave St, Thorndon, Wellington.
I have a prose poem and an essay in Bonsai: Best Small Stories from Aotearoa New Zealand, a long-anticipated New Zealand anthology of small fictions (short-short stories) and prose poems – and there are plenty of other Wellington authors represented, too. Come along and hear readings from the book and discussions of the topics raised in the essay.

Wellington launch Facebook event.

Other events in the Bonsai launch tour:

Christchurch, Sunday 2 September – Facebook event page
Auckland, Thursday 6 September – Facebook event page
Whangarei, Wednesday 12 September – Facebook event page

Poetry at the Fringe – Sunday 16 September

I’m the guest poet at September’s “Poetry at the Fringe” on Sunday 16 September at the Fringe Bar (26-32 Allen St, Wellington) . The event kicks off with an open mike, then Chris Prosser plays, and then I’ll be reading a mix of poems from New Sea Land plus new and previously published poems.

Even if you have heard me read from New Sea Land before, I’m planning to interleave these poems with others to tell a story about my father, myself, climate change, and the sea. It’s a format I’m hoping to take on tour in 2019 – this is your chance to help shape it!

I hope to see you there.