Blogging Au Contraire: Day Three, Part 1: The Sir Julius Vogel Awards

I’m a tired but happy little Tim tonight, ‘cos I got one of these on the mantelpiece.

Of course, I can only keep it for six months: it’s the Sir Julius Vogel Award for “Best Collected Work” which the anthology Voyagers: Science Fiction Poetry from New Zealand won at Sunday night’s awards ceremony at Au Contraire. Voyagers was co-edited by Mark Pirie and I, so Mark gets to share the award – as should all the poets whose work is included in Voyagers.

The diversity and strength of the nominated works shows the good health of the New Zealand speculative fiction scene, and a lot of good work was recognised. For all the Voyagers winners and nominees, see the awards ceremony livestream.

So that was the personal highlight of a long, tiring, but rewarding day. Tomorrow, when I’ve had some sleep, I’ll blog about the rest of Sunday at this excellent and well-run convention. From chats with authors to SF poetry, there’s a lot to talk about.


Author Jo Walton has made an interesting and much appreciated post about the Vogels on

10 thoughts on “Blogging Au Contraire: Day Three, Part 1: The Sir Julius Vogel Awards

  1. Thank you, John, Joan, Penelope, and Helen.Helen, I read \”Tabloid Headlines\” at the SF Poetry panel at Au Contraire – it got a good reaction!

  2. Thanks, Kathleen and Vespersparrow. I'm surprised at just how much I am enjoying this success – it's becoming a little worrying, actually!

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