The Listener Likes Voyagers. A Lot.

Voyagers has already received a very positive review from the US science fiction poetry journal Star*Line, and has also had good reviews in the Capital Times (Wellington) and Waikato Times. This week, Voyagers has received an excellent review in the New Zealand Listener.

Here is the full Listener review of Voyagers.

In it, reviewer David Larsen notes the inclusion of poems by more than 70 different writers, including Fleur Adcock, Alan Brunton, Owen Marshall and ARD Fairburn, and goes on to say:

The double take involved in reclassifying the likes of Marshall and Fairburn as science fiction writers is one of the least important of the many pleasures this intelligently organised, well-designed volume offers.

He also says:

The editors push the boundaries of the field out to their properly far-flung limits, which, for many readers, will be a revelation.

I hope it will be!

There are a number of ways to buy copies of Voyagers:

  • Directly from me (within NZ). I now have a limited number of copies for sale for $28 plus $2 p&p. If you’d like one, please email with your address and preferred payment method, and we’ll take it from there.
  • From an increasing range of bookshops. Unity Books (Wellington and Auckland), University Bookshop (Auckland), Bruce McKenzie Books in Palmerston North, Madras Cafe Books in Christchurch, and the University Book Shop in Dunedin all have copies, or can take your order if stock has run out.
  • From the publisher.
  • From (in paperback and Kindle e-book formats).
  • From Fishpond.
  • From New Zealand Books Abroad.
  • From Small Press Distribution in the USA.

3 thoughts on “The Listener Likes Voyagers. A Lot.

  1. Congratulations–a well deserved positive review. I am looking forward to the October 16 event at the Madras Cafe Bookshop in Christchurch.

  2. Woo hoo! Congratulations on the great reviews. Hopefully this will all lead to good things for 'Voyagers' sales and encourage publishers to produce more quality New Zealand SF in the future.

  3. Thanks, Helen and Debbie! It would be lovely to say that Voyagers had been brought out by a New Zealand publisher, but the fact that we had to turn to an Australian publisher after many unsuccessful approaches to New Zealand publishers suggests that there is some way to go before New Zealand publishers are willing to take on an identifiably SF project. I think we SF fans and readers need to make it abundantly clear to NZ publishers that there *is* a sizeable audience that will buy New Zealand science fiction.Aargh – I can feel a rant coming on! Must. Not. Rant.But, finally, yay for NZ's own SF publisher, Random Static.

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