Laura Solomon has an honours degree in English Literature (Victoria University, 1997) and a Masters degree in Computer Science (University of London, 2003). Her books include ‘Black Light’, ‘Nothing Lasting’, ‘Alternative Medicine’, ‘An Imitation of Life’, ‘Instant Messages’, ‘The Theory of Networks’, ‘Operating Systems’, ‘Hilary and David’, In Vitro and ‘The Shingle Bar Taniwha and Other Stories’. She has won prizes in the Bridport, Edwin Morgan, Ware Poets, Willesden Herald, Proverse Hong Kong and Essex Poetry Festival competitions.
Laura’s poem Janet Frame’s Adversaries Have Their Way. Janet is Lobotomised and Spends Her Life Selling Hats in Oamaru. was my Tuesday Poem this week.
Laura, you are best known as a writer of fiction, and in vitro is your first collection of poetry. Have you been accumulating the poems in this collection for a while, or have they all been written recently?
I wrote the poems between 2006 and 2009.
For those who don’t know your work, how would you describe your poetry – does it follow a particular style or poetic tradition?
Fairly experimental, but also quite lyrical.
While I was reading in vitro, I noted down descriptions like ‘clinical’, ‘forensic’, and ‘disenchanted’ – though, lest this make the book appear too gloomy, many of the poems are also very entertaining! But do you think these adjectives can fairly be applied to these poems?
Some of the poems are quite bleak or severe in subject matter, but lightened up with comedy.
I see that you have published several novels as e-books in Hong Kong. Was it a difficult decision to have them published in e-book format, and are you happy with the result?
Happy with e-book for Hilary and David, not sure yet whether the sequels to Instant Messages are going to be ebook or normal printed book yet.
I have the impression – forgive me if I’m wrong – that you, like I, write fiction that doesn’t fit neatly into the categories that New Zealand publishers, and perhaps other international publishers, are comfortable with. Do you ever think “Oh, if only I’d written good old realism”, or, “time to get cracking on that paranormal romance”?
No, I just write what I feel like and hope for the best.
How do you think the publishing scene overseas compares to the New Zealand scene, particularly in its hospitality to work that doesn’t fit neat category definitions?
Just the same, difficult to break into UK market, none of the agents or publishers seem interested, so I just keep entering UK competitions from NZ. Seem to do better in comps, than just straight submitting to agents and publishers, not sure why.
Which (if any) poets would you describe as influences on your work?
Atwood, Rich, Plath.
How about writers of fiction?
Atwood, Angela Carter, Jeanette Winterson.
If you have the opportunity, what direction(s) do you see your writing heading in next?
That’s a secret!!
Book availability
Laura’s collection in vitro is available from HeadworX, and there are more publication details of Laura’s other books on Beattie’s Book Blog – check the first comment.